About Homeopathy

About Homeopathy…!

Homeopathy was discovered Dr Samuel Hahnemann and has been used around the world for over 200 years. Homeopathy is an advanced science that works on the principle of ‘Similia Similibus Curenter’ which means ‘Likes Cures Like’. Homeopathic science is known to be curative, preventive and promotive in nature.

Homeopathic medicines are prepared by processing active ingredients from natural sources, that work with the body’s natural ability to increase its immunity thereby healing itself. It can be safely used by children and adults of all age groups suffering from both acute and chronic compliants.

History of Homeopathy

Homeopathy was discovered over 200 years ago by the German physician, Dr Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). This system of healing is based upon “Laws of Similars”. Dr Hahnemann, when translating Cullen’s Materia Medica came across a statement stating that Malaria is cured by Quinine due to its bitter taste. He consumed large doses of quinine and to his surprise developed Malaria. He then undertook the process of trituration and potentised quinine to heal malaria. By this, he concluded that a drug which can produce symptoms in a healthy individual has the capacity of curing them in the sick. Thus, the principle ‘Likes Cures Like’ came into being.

Homeopathy is now being practised in over 60 countries worldwide, including France, Germany, Great Britain, the United States, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Austria, Norway, Holland, South Africa, Argentina, Mexico, India, Sri Lanka, Russia, and many other countries. The Indian government has included Homeopathy in AYUSH system of medicine.

Why Homeopathy

The most wonderful part of Homeopathy and its scope in the service of mankind is its ability to give relief in all chronic and acute diseases. Following are the benefits of Homeopathy:

  • A complete medical science: Homeopathy is a complete medical science that has a clear-cut advantage over other systems of Medicine. It considers the entire individual, his psychological and physical condition as well as the complete evolution of the disease while prescribing a remedy.
  • Cures the disease from its root: When treating a patient homoeopathically, the person is treated as a whole, not just the disease. Therefore, it increases the immune power aiding the natural ability of the body to fight against the disease. This leads to a permanent cure.
  • No side effects: Homeopathy is a side-effect-free treatment that is gentle on the constitution. Homeopathic remedies are derivatives of natural substances.
  • Safe and natural: Homeopathy is very safe for all age groups, even for pregnant women and babies. Homeopathic medicines can be taken along with other medicationsinteractions or reactions. without causing any advers Homeopathic medicines do not lead to any drug dependency.

What Homeopathy is Not…?

✔ Homeopathy is not a panacea

✔ Homeopathy is not just the mind-based medicine

✔ Homeopathy is not placebo therapy

✔ Homeopathy is not faith healing

✔ Homeopathy is not necessarily ‘single remedy’ magic

✔ Homeopathy is not dream-based treatment

✔ Homeopathy is not slow


1.Questions for First Time users:

Ans: It is a myth that Homoeopathy is slow acting. Majority of the times patients prefer Homoeopathy for their chronic i.e. long standing diseases. Hence, they have to take medicines for a long time. . However, Homoeopathy acts equally fast in acute diseases e.g., cases of allergic or viral diseases.
Ans: Majority of the Homoeopathic medicines are prepared from Plant sources i.e. seeds, leaves, roots, barks, fruits etc. Medicines are also prepared from minerals, metals or natural components found in the body i.e. Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, Gold, Silver etc..
Ans: The method of consuming medicine is same for all the forms of Homoeopathic medicines i.e. pills, powder and tablet form. Ensure that your mouth is clean. No food / drinks (except water) is to be consumed 10 minutes before and after taking medicines.Keep the medicine on the tongue so it comes in maximum contact with the nerves. and gets absorb completely.
Ans: If you are regularly drinking coffee, you may continue. The same is with eating onion and garlic. However, while taking few medicines, coffee should not be consumed. Doctor will advise you to avoid coffee / or onion/ garlic or any strong flavored food when those medicine are given to you. In case of acute diseases such as fever, headache or cough, drinking coffee or eating onion and garlic should be avoided till the complaints subsides as it may interfere with the action of the medicine.
Ans: In majority of the cases the complaints will not increase as your doctor will adjust the doses to suit you. In some case if the patient abruptly stops the pain killers or the ointments used for a longer duration, then the complaints may increase. In some cases, the complaints may increase for a very short duration, but they will settle down immediately. Remember that even if the compliant slightly increases you will always get a sense of wellbeing. It is advisable to contact your doctor and discuss.
Ans: While taking the Homoeopathic medicine the complaints or symptoms could disappear in a short time. However, the underlying disease activity may continue. So, if the treatment is stopped without completing the full course, then complaints may recur. There are certain lifestyle disorders where complaints may recur after stopping the treatment due to change in the diet, daily routine, any new infection or stress.
Ans: Homoeopathic medicines are based on the holistic principle,which means that the individual is sick and not the parts of the body. Medicines are selected by studying the patient’s entire personality which will help him / her for all the complaints by triggering / boosting the natural defence system of the body. There are no separate medicines for the head, leg or abdomen, if patient has different complaints.
Ans: Your doctor will advise the frequency of follow up visits based on your complaints.The patient can be asked to come once a week or one every fortnight or once in a month. Sometimes the follow-up can be via a call..
Ans: Patients should not alter the doses or stop any previous medicines without doctor’s advise. Some previous medicines may be continued throughout the treatment period.
Ans: Yes, diabetics s can take Homoeopathic medicine as the amount of sugar in the medicine is not going to add much calories.
Ans: Homoeopathic treatment is useful for almost all the diseases. You can take free consultation to know the scope of Homoeopathic treatment in your case.